A Word of Caution on Costume Contacts
Halloween is our favorite spooky time of year, but we need to talk about the potential dangers of costume contact lenses.
Halloween is our favorite spooky time of year, but we need to talk about the potential dangers of costume contact lenses.
Cosmetics have come a long way from the toxic powders used in the Renaissance and Victorian eras.
As we get older, our bodies don’t function as well as they used to, and that includes our eyes.
Our world is filled with a staggering array of animal life, and today we’d like to take a closer look at some of the best eyes nature has to offer.
Most of us remember going to the school nurse as a child, covering one eye at a time, and reading off lines from the big E chart to find out if we needed glasses.
Wearing glasses for the first time can be a difficult adjustment for any child. Being able to see clearly might not always seem worth it to them compared to how strange the glasses feel on their nose and ears or what their peers think, so what can you do as a parent to help them […]
School’s out and it’s time for summer! For many of us, summer time means a lot of trips to the pool, but before we dive in, we should take a look at what we should be doing to protect our eyes while we’re cooling off underwater. Invest In A Good Pair Of Goggles Have you […]
The Fourth of July is a wonderful day to enjoy good food, good company, and, of course, an awe-inspiring fireworks display. If we want to be able to keep enjoying the sight of the rockets’ red glare in future years, however, we need to make sure we’re not putting our eyes at unnecessary risk of […]
Summer is a great time to get some cool sunglasses and relax on the beach, but we should really be wearing our sunglasses all year. Choosing the right pair of sunglasses is a little more complicated than finding the ones that best suit your style. Our first priority should always be finding the pair that […]
With summer just around the corner, a lot of us are probably looking forward to getting a lot of sun. However, it’s important to be careful not to expose our eyes (or our skin) to too much ultraviolet radiation, as it can cause a number of problems both in the short-term and the long-term. What […]